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Eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing)

ultima modifica 02/02/2018 14:50
If you  use your laptop, tablet, smartphone etc, you can connect to the Eduroam Wi-Fi net, a world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.

Eduroam offers a wireless connection to the internet for free, which is safe and easy

Password for your online identity is provided to you by your ‘home’ institution – where you are enrolled in study or are employed.

Wherever you see ‘Eduroam’ appear in your list of Wi-Fi networks, you can get online free-of-charge.

How to register if you have an institutional e-mail

  • connect your device to the wireless network eduroam-configured;
  • if the system (smartphone, tablet, laptop) does not automatically detect the network, open a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and go to any web site, for example (not HTTPS * * ); 
  • follow the instructions that will guide you in the device registration and then in the configuration for access:
    - laptop computers will be prompted to download an executable file XPress Connect which will guide you through the registration process:
    - smartphones and tablets will be asked to accept a Certificate
    1) from the menu Security (or "Applications") to enable the Unknown sources
    2) enable the lock screen with one of three methods: sign, PIN, password.

  More information at (ITA)
